Every year approximately 400 families in Riverview register their children to play the great game of hockey. For over 50 years the Riverview Minor Hockey Club has provided this opportunity. Our goal is to provide the children of Riverview the opportunity to develop both their hockey and social skills.

Through great coaching and a team atmosphere children are able to develop at their own pace, giving them self confidence they will carry with them throughout their lifetime. Riverview Minor Hockey offers age appropriate levels of play in both the Recreational and Competitive leagues.  The Recreational league is open to children of all skill levels while the competitive league is open to children 9 years and older who are looking for a more challenging level of play.

A club of this size requires many volunteers in order to run smoothly. Anyone interested in volunteering with us should e-mail our Executive Director Steve Marshall.

We look forward to seeing you at the rink!

Riverview Minor Hockey Club
PO Box 7028
Riverview, NB
E1B 4T8

Ph: (506) 863-8380